Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ken Paves

Isn't that a celebrity hairstylist or something? Fortunately this post has nothing to do with him, Jessica Simpson, ugly high-waisted pants or hair.

It has to do with Ken, one of the lovely pleasant competent men who took our driveway from this: to this:
Isn't it great? As someone who wears 3" heels on a very regular basis, let me tell you...it' a Godsend for the ankle! No more pebbles, stones and debris to trip over, stumble on or sink into.

(And yes, I drive a '97 Buick Skylark...she's a beaut)

Between the grass coming in beautifully, the driveway being paved, and my green thumb becoming slightly less black into a more dark chocolate brown shade, the outside of our house ain't all that bad I don't think. Certainly better than 5 months ago! Egads.

Are you wondering how I know the name of one of our pavers? (I say our like we hired them. Really they're the builder's pavers. Had we hired them, I'd hope we'd know their name!) There's some unspoken comraderie between tradesmen where there's a mutual respect and understanding no matter what their trade. Married to an electrician, I've come to really appreciate this bond they have. A pair of work boots and Carhartt's equals buddies. So last week when they were out there tramping (or something...flattening in preparation for the paving), hubs came home and struck up a conversation with the guys. Throw a can of beer in there and they were chatting like long lost buds.

(As another note, have you ever tried to type without the letter s? My keyboard's been funky all morning and my s key hasn't been working. Let me tell you...it's a pain in the a**!)

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