Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nursery Progress

We're finally making head way on the nursery. I should hope so with an estimated 36 days left until our family becomes 3. Um...36 days? Yep-I just triple checked...gulp!

My sisters threw me a fantastical surprise shower a couple weekends ago, and the once empty nursery quickly filled with baby paraphenalia.

And I loooove our new dresser. Hubs and I both kind of want to steal it for our own room. But, no-it was bought for the nursery, so there it'll stay...for now :) It fits loads of the little sleepers, onesies and what not that we got prior to and at the shower (I say we, but hubs was gratefully relieved of shower attendance duty).

We'd also finished up painting a couple weeks ago, and it's all been touched up and prettified.

Next up was/is filling the space with baby furniture and decorating it a bit so it's nice, fun and cozy. So I purchased the following decals from Etsy after way too much deliberation:
Source - in brown

Source - in white

And I've had a hard time finding a rocker/glider that I liked. There are the typical ones, which are nice enough, but I wanted something a little more streamlined and a little less busy looking (with all those gliding parts and hinges it was a bit busy for me) and I finally came across this little beauty:
Which is hand made in Ontario! Bonus! It's made by Off Your Rocker and I've heard some great reviews on WB.

Crib progress is at a bit of a standstill though unfortunately. I've painted and verathaned it a few times, but at our pre-natal class, a little issue of air circulation was brought up, so I called Health Canada and they don't really condone cribs with solid sides and no slats or anything in them for air circulation because of the risk of SIDS (aka every parent and parent-to-be's nightmare acronym). So now we've got to discuss with my dad and decide whether to modify the heirloom crib or go buy a new one entirely.

I've also bought drapes, a rug, a closet organizer, some cute accessories and our lighting fixtures are finally in! So there's a good amount of manual labour coming our way to get these things installed, but I know they're really going to get it looking a lot more like an actual room rather than a storage closet.

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